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The preservation of turtles and tortoises has reached a level of boundless importance in our world today. Few places, if any, are still truly wild on earth and many species are on a steady decline. Some face extinction and although it is man that caused such a grim reality for them, it is also man who can now save them. Preserving turtles, tortoises and other reptiles through captive breeding efforts is one of the only ways we can guarantee their ultimate survival. A common misconception is the assumption that this can or should only be done in zoos and aquariums but the truth lies in accepting the responsible part of the private sector as playing a legitimate, positive role in the future outcome as well. We wholeheartedly believe in preserving these animals and we work around the clock to do it the right way. On this page you can view various ways we partake in the preservation of turtles and tortoises.


Garden State Tortoise was founded on the passion behind breeding turtles and tortoises. Even though years have passed and we have involved ourselves in many aspects regarding saving these creatures, we still pride ourselves on being a family who offers truly captive bred, immaculate and healthy animals to responsible enthusiasts. 


Since the young age of 9, Chris Leone has been infatuated with the endangered western Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni). A lifelong love of these gorgeous little tortoises eventually blossomed into an entirely new dedication which encompasses their care, understanding and preserving both the subspecies itself and the purity within their genetics.



Contrary to popular belief, turtles and tortoises are not illegal to possess in New Jersey. Permission from the state to do so is necessary and various permits exist to make this a reality. Following the law is important as it helps both the preservation and conservation of these animals.


Do you have a turtle or tortoise you cannot care for any longer? Sometimes changes in our lives force us to find a more suitable place for our pets. Since turtles and tortoises live such long lives, they often end up in a situation where they need a new home. 

rescue and surrendered ANIMALS



Garden State Tortoise was founded in 2011 by Chris and Casey Leone. Nestled along the southern shore of New Jersey, GST acts as a breeding facility, rescue and permanent home to turtles, tortoises and other reptiles from all over Mother Earth. In over 30 years of working hands on with such a highly threatened group of vertebrates, the Leones aim to unite conservation and preservation efforts through educating the world that both are needed to truly save them from extinction. 


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